Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Canada


The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Canada’s goals are to bring together women of different political beliefs and philosophies who are united in their determination to study, make known and help abolish the causes and the legitimization of war; and to work toward world peace; total and universal disarmament; the abolition of violence and coercion in the settlement of conflict and their substitution in every case of negotiation and conciliation; the strengthening of the United Nations system; the continuous development and implementation of international law; political and social equality and economic equity; co-operation among all people; and an environmentally sustainable development.

More About WILPF Canada

Promoting and monitoring the efforts of the Government of Canada to implement and support the United Nations Security Council Resolutions on women, peace and security; and

WPSN-C 2024 Year in Review – Advancing Feminist Peace

Dear WPSN-C members, As we step into 2025, we are pleased to share the WPSN-C 2024 Year in Review—a reflection on the past year’s challenges, achievements, and collective efforts in advancing the WPS agenda. This past year has been one of profound global challenges, including for our Network, yet we …
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Put Canada on a Path to Peace

Why we need to DEMILITARIZE DECARBONIZE DECOLONIZE Military Spending is Increasing While Poverty and Climate Change Worsens According to the Budget 2024, the federal government will increase funding for the Department of National Defence from $33 billion in 2024 to $49.5 billion by 2030. That’s a 35% increase over …
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“War, Peace & Propaganda” Events November

Upcoming Public Lectures in Ontario “War, Peace, and Propaganda: What the West Should Learn from the War in Ukraine and Genocide in Gaza” Speakers: Dimitri Lascaris, journalist & lawyer, Tamara Lorincz, academic & activist, and more! Monday, November 11, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Reimagine Co. 206 Piccadilly St., LONDON Tuesday, November 12, …
/ Events, London, Mississauga, Ottawa, Toronto, Waterloo

Sign and Share the Petition for Canada to Join the Nuclear Ban Treaty

We want Canada to show leadership on nuclear disarmament and join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Help us reach 500 signatures by January 6, 2025. Please sign and share the parliamentary e-petition to call on Canada to join the nuclear ban treaty and observe the TPNW …
/ Events

Read Tamara’s Report from her Two-Week Trip to Russia

From September 16 to October 2, 2024, our member, Tamara Lorincz, was in Russia. In Saint Petersburg, Tamara attended the three-day Eurasian Women’s Forum and the BRICS Women’s Meeting with 2,000 women from 126 countries. The theme of the meeting was “Women Strengthening Trust and Cooperation.” At the forum, Tamara …
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Walking Together for Peace Info & Resources

From September 8 to September 21, 2024, WALK4PEACE is taking place in Nova Scotia and across Canada to promote peace and disarmament. Participants are coming from Nova Scotia, across Canada, India and Japan. They are walking 200 km from Pugwash to Halifax, Nova Scotia ending on International Peace Day on …
/ News