We invite you to join us for the launch of Women Transforming Cities.
The event will take place May 24, 2012 from 5:30pm - 8:30pm at Vancouver City Hall - City Council Chambers
Women Transforming Cities is a new grassroots non-profit organization that empowers women and girls to make positive changes in their communities. Our organization brings together women from various backgrounds who want to design a city that is ideal for women and girls by applying an equity lens. Our speakers will discuss issues regarding urban safety, housing and homelessness, health and poverty alleviation.With Vancouver City Councillor Andrea Reimer, MLA and Deputy Speaker of the Legislature Linda Reid and Jen Sung from Out in Schools and special presentations from Catherine Murrary - SFU Chair of the Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies, Ellen Woodsworth - founder of Women Transforming Cities and the Raging Grannies.
Our featured speakers include:
Penny Gurstein - UBC School of Community and Regional Planning
Linda Ross -LER Property Management
Melanie Matining - Girls Action Foundation
Christine Smith - Vancouver Aboriginal Transformative Justice Services Society
Doors open at 5:30 pm at Vancouver City Hall