February, 12, 2013
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa ON, K1A 0A2
Dear Rt. Hon. Prime Minister,
The Idle No More movement in Canada, inspired by four First Nations women from Saskatchewan, has heightened awareness of the injustices and inequalities sustained by First Nations People today. The recent hunger strike led by Chief Theresa Spense has also focused international scrutiny on Canada’s First Nation’s issues.
As the government resumes negotiations with our First Nations People, we call for the following actions:
– We urge the Conservative Government to honour the rights of the First Nations People as set out in the Canadian Constitution, and in the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People.
– We urge the Conservative Government to respectfully renew nation-to-nation negotiations to redress the current unacceptable gap in living conditions, and to redress the aberrations of First Nations’ Treaties across the country.
– We urge the Conservative Government to amend the bills it recently passed, Bill C-38 and Bill C-45, which impact Inherent rights and Treaty rights of First Nations People.
Canada’s government should be Idle-No-Longer.
Marjorie Buchanan
Vancouver Branch
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
#2 -1147 Pendrell St.
Vancouver, B.C. V6E-1L3
CC: Bob Rae, Leader Liberal Party
Thomas Mulcair, Leader NDP
Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party