Meet WILPF leader: Bruna Nota

The reason I am a keen participant in the Peace Caravan is that I wish to influence policy-making in Canada from killing to life. Canada is one of the top producers and sellers of weapons. Weapons are for killing. We need to invest in industries that nurture life and...

Meet WILPF leader: Masa Kateb

Realizing the impact of refugee representation at decision-making tables that relate to the global refugee regime, Masa Kateb served the Canadian Council for Refugees as a Member of the Steering Committee of the Overseas Protection and Resettlement Working Group, and...

Meet WILPF leader: Priyanka D’souza

Priyanka D’souza is a recent immigrant to Canada and the Treasurer at WILPF Canada. With her University education and work experience in Accounting and Children’s Book Illustration, she hopes to contribute towards making the world a better place. She...

Meet WILPF leader: Jase Taner

I’ve been a human rights advocate for about 15 years with a focus primarily on justicefor Palestine, having travelled there on 3 separate occasions. The warmth andgenerosity of its people are in stark contrast to the injustice they have suffered for somany years. The...

WILPF leader profile: Tamara Lorincz

Tamara Lorincz is a long-time active member of WILPF-Canada and the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. She supports the On to Ottawa Peace Caravan, because she wants Parliament to cut military spending and invest in urgent social programs and climate action. She wants...
On to Ottawa Peace Caravan

On to Ottawa Peace Caravan

CO-SPONSORED BY WOMEN’S INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE FOR PEACE AND FREEDOM CANADA AND CANADIAN VOICE OF WOMEN FOR PEACE Please check out our peace caravan schedule as we travel across the country. Join us at our stops! See the schedule here. Join us in Ottawa on Monday, May...

Meet WILPF leader: Debra Sutherland

Debra Sutherland enjoyed a 28 year career in public school counselling, retiring in 2014.  For twenty -two of those years she is very proud to have been a core member of a ground-breaking, small group of dedicated teacher, union and community...

Meet WILPF leader: Pia Massie

Pia Yona Massie is a multi-media artist, environmental activist, and teacher. Massie’s work has been seen in galleries, museums, and film festivals throughout North America and Europe. VIVO Media Arts is creating an archive of four decades of Pia’s work.  Massie...