We Support an Arms Embargo Against Israel

WILPF Canada endorses the campaign for an Arms Embargo Now against Israel. We demand the Canadian government impose a full, immediate arms embargo on Israel. Find out more here: https://armsembargonow.ca/ We also call for an end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land. We support the student encampments calling for Divestment Now and Free Palestine. We […]

WILPF Urgent Response in Palestine

Dear WILPF members, WIILPF is deeply saddened at the ongoing and escalating loss of life in Palestine and Israel, which takes place in the context of ongoing Israeli occupation, war crimes and impunity. We denounce all attacks against civilians by all parties. Indiscriminate attacks on civilians are a crime under international law and cannot be […]

VOW & WILPF-Canada’s submission to the UN Human Rights Council for its Universal Periodic Review of Canada.

VOW and WILPF-Canada jointly made a submission to the UN Human Rights Council for its Universal Periodic Review of Canada. Our submissions are in English and French. Canada will be reviewed on November 10, 2023 in the morning Geneva time. You can learn more about Canada’s upcoming review here: https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/upr/ca-index In our submission, we argue among […]

Upcoming peace events in Canada

Public Discussion: “Making Space for Peace: Russian /Ukrainian War” Thursday August 3, 2023 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.  Regina Central Library 2311 12th Avenue, Regina Panel discussion with speakers: Tamara Lorincz, PhD Candidate, Balsillie School of International Affairs, Wilfrid Laurier University and member of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and the Women’s International League […]

“Peace in the Seas: A Call for the Demilitarization and Protection of the Oceans” by Tamara Lorincz

WILPF sections around the world have taken action to stop the militarization of the seas. WILPF Canada has protested the Royal Canadian Navy’s participation in RIMPAC and called for its cancellation. We produced and shared on social media a graphic “Cancel RIMPAC. Stop Military Sonar and Bombing” and lobbied the federal government. WILPF Australia has […]