Branch President Cleta Brown:
We have decided to focus this year on educating ourselves about the programs, projects and issues being addressed by WILPF International– they are many and we want to become local experts and educators about WILPF’s work and mandate. So, our meetings will become study sessions for the most part, but will also include informing ourselves about the work of other local peace groups and perhaps joining some of their initiatives or lending support in some way. From this focus, we hope to acquire clarity and consensus on what goals we want to achieve and specific work we want to undertake. Small steps, beginning with exploring and better understanding WILPF and our peace landscape.
If you are interested in learning and sharing facts, issues, analysis and discussion please become a paid up member of WILPF Vancouver, and join us on November 26th. If you are already a member, we’ll look forward to seeing you.
Our Agenda (so far) is :
1. WILPF education; projects and programs – everyone will be permitted 2 minutes to speak about some aspect of WILPF that they have learned about – please research, not just opinion – we are each informing and educating the group!
2. Local Peace Groups – share information about a group, what they are doing, when/where they meet , how does their work/mandate/focus match WILPF’s…
3. Decision on how often to meet in upcoming year, when and where.
Thank you to all who came out for our last meeting and confirmed the importance of sustaining WILPF Vancouver!