Read Tamara’s report about her “No to NATO, Yes to Peace” actions in Washington D.C.

From July 4 to July 14, Tamara was in Washington D.C. to protest the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) during its 75th anniversary summit and to participate in the “No to NATO, Yes to Peace” week of actions. She represented the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom-Canada (WILPF) and the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW), which are members of the new initiative Global Women for Peace United Against NATO (GWUAN). Tamara worked hard to promote feminist resistance to the Atlantic Alliance.

Tamara spoke at the launch event and the people’s summit. The recording can be found here. She also participated in many protests against NATO and rallies for Palestine. Tamara also stood in the weekly vigil outside the Pentagon with the Catholic Workers’ Movement and lobbied representatives on Capitol Hill for peace and disarmament with CODEPINK and US Nuclear Ban organizers. She attended many conservative think tank events and challenged speakers on their support for war and NATO.

One of the highlights of Tamara’s trip was attending the “Peace Growers Reception” organized by the local chapter of WILPF US. Tamara was inspired by WILPF chapter’s “Peace Herstory” and the presentations by the local Black activists who talked about their affordable housing campaigns, mutual aid projects, reparations for the Black community and their research on the impacts of climate change and Western imperialism in Grenada and the Caribbean. The reception ended with a group photo holding the banner “We want peace!” that Tamara brought from Canada. She returned home with many new contacts and resources and more motivation to help grow the international “No to NATO, Yes to Peace” movement and the Women Against NATO network.

Read Tamara’s full report here.