Walking Together for Peace Info & Resources

From September 8 to September 21, 2024,  WALK4PEACE is taking place in Nova Scotia and across Canada to promote peace and disarmament. Participants are coming from Nova Scotia, across Canada, India and Japan. They are walking  200 km from Pugwash to Halifax, Nova Scotia ending on International Peace Day on September 21. Along the way in Nova Scotia, they are visiting schools and communities enroute to discuss peace and disarmament and how they connect to climate action, community development and Indigenous reconciliation. WALK4PEACE is organized by the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW), Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom-Canada, Science for Peace, Jai Jagat and the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Canada and endorsed by the Canadian Pugwash Group.

Over 50 solidarity peace walks are happening in India and Canada. In Waterloo, Ontario there will be a walk for peace & disarmament on Saturday, September 7 starting at 9:30 am at the Waterloo Public Square to the Kitchener Market to join the Grief Walk for Gaza at 11:00 am.

Join us at Thinker’s Lodge in Pugwash, Nova Scotia on September 8th as we begin our walk in ceremony with Dorene Bernard, a Mi’kmaq grandmother of 9, mother of 4, and Mi’kmaki Grassroots Grandmother, water protector, land defender, water walker and cultural teacher. Share the inspiration of Gandhian social movement leaders Rajagopal PV and Dr. Jill Carr Harris and peace educator Dr. Reva Joshee. Meet the leaders of feminist peace organizations in Canada (WILPF and VOW), Ellen Woodsworth and Lyn Adamson and others. Share the stories and enthusiasm of our peace walkers.

Our peace walk aims to re-awaken the courage and inspiration for all of us to come together to solve conflict non-violently and to call on Canada to prioritize peace and disarmament. Recalling how scientists in Pugwash were able to agree nuclear disarmament sixty-seven years ago at the height of the cold war, gives us cause for hope. We will call on Canada to join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. National governments must resolve international conflict diplomatically to avoid a nuclear escalation. Countries must also curb spending on producing nuclear armaments. Only by taking concrete steps toward reallocating massive expenditures on defence industries and building a civilian economy will the urgent priorities of climate mitigation, housing, health care and other social needs be addressed.  We are walking to promote divestment from the weapons industry and war and to call for greater investment in a peace, green economy that helps everyone thrive.

All events are free and open to the public:

  *   Pugwash Launch on Sept  8 from 12:30-4:00 PM at Thinker’s Lodge
  *   Tatamagouche on Sept 10 from 6:00-8 PM at Sharon United Church,
  *   Truro on Sept 13 at  4:30 at DownTheMarsh Community Land Trust
  *   ARRIVAL CELEBRATION: International Day of Peace: September 21, 2024 in Halifax

Join us  to walk, bike, roll from World Peace Pavilion Dartmouth, across MacKay Bridge, stopping at Ummah Mosque and arrive at Dalhousie. International Day of Peace Celebration:   1 – 5 PM  Graewood Bar, Dalhousie Student Union  6136 University Ave, Halifax  for  Lunch. Speeches, Music
Learn more about why we are walking for peace and disarmament.

Check out our two-page fact sheets below on peace and disarmament:

  *   Fact Sheet: Put Canada on a Path to Peace
  *   Fact Sheet: Canada and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
  *   Fact Sheet: Canada’s Carbon Bootprint: The Problem of Military Emissions and Military Expenditures
  *   Fact Sheet: The Harms and Risks of Fighter Jets and Why Canada Must Not Buy a New Fleet
  *   Fact Sheet: NATO is a Threat to People and the Planet